I worked for everything I dreamed of -
Young, with much deserved pride.
Achievement by achievement,
I found a hollowness inside
From fulfilling all these hopes that weren’t really mine.
I did everything the way I was taught I should
And realized how misguided this structured world stood.
The little chaos in me that I thought was my curse
Held the answer to my freedom - putting myself first.
I remember a time when I was invincible.
The more knowledge my tumbling brain rolled over
The more inflated my ego became -
With anger, hatred, hostility.
How comical it is that?
I now know the most I have ever known
And I realize what I know is nothing.
Life - such a beautiful experience of complexity and fullness,
Simultaneously, nothingness and emptiness.
The grounding pain propels change and growth
And the brief touches of happiness keep us alive and human.
It is equally magical as it is heavily painful.
There is victory in my views
And my acceptance of life’s temperament.
As I made my mindset flexible,
I opened my heart to happiness
and my mind, to peace.
May I be unapologetically audacious
Mentally, spiritually, emotionally -
Because change begins within
And progress starts with me.
This world needs my light
That incandescently exudes
From my fiery soul
To soften the hardest hearts
In a way that softness becomes
The new way.
The right way.
The only way.