I marvel at mothers. From their biology to their nature.
How did they come to know that abrasions to the knee need ointment and a kiss? That trips or falls need a hug and a declaration of “keep goin, you can do it”? That bruised feelings need only reassurance to instill displaced confidence? I never understood how my mother knew things, until I knew them about my own children. Like when my son’s chills wake me up at night and I know he needs to be covered. When the baby’s too-warm hand touches my skin while I sleep and I know he has a fever. Or like when I brush their teeth at night and see the pink stain on their tongue from the fruit gummies I told them not to eat because it was too late. The three empty Oreo packets in the garbage when I told them to only have one each. “How did you know, mommy?” A mother’s love is all-knowing.
The love is in the way I clean up the same mess every, single day even though I ask them not to throw things around. It’s in me realizing how much they’ve grown when I fold their laundry and see the clothes getting bigger than they were a year ago. It’s how I let them help me bake banana bread even though it makes more clean up for me in the end. “How much do you love me, mommy?” A mother’s love is multi-faceted.
Most days I am tired, overwhelmed or broken. I get out of bed knowing they will be hungry shortly or they have school that I need to get them ready for. They need to be bathed, lotioned, clothed. Teeth need to be brushed, hair need to be combed. Socks and shoes put on. Then it’s my turn. Some days I am sick or in pain. Some days I am excited to move forward with the day. Some days I get them where they need to go early, other days - at least they got there. All days, they are taken care of. “How did you do all that, mommy?” A mother’s love is selfless.
Here's to all the chefs, homemakers, cleaners, caregivers, doctors, lovers, dish-washers, clothes-folders, emotional alchemists, lovers of all kinds and burden-bearers - Happy Mother's Day! We are the portal of life on Earth. The future of existence lies in our wombs. We brave life to make way for our children who will change the world some day, just like we did with our resilience and love. Here’s to us.